that a good damn good point!
i also hate pepole who hate something ONLY BECAUSE it look like something from egoraptor.
i mean thats just redicoulis >:C
anyway overall yeah thats totaly good animated ^^
that a good damn good point!
i also hate pepole who hate something ONLY BECAUSE it look like something from egoraptor.
i mean thats just redicoulis >:C
anyway overall yeah thats totaly good animated ^^
not bad :^)
i do enjoyed that short flash. i kinda wich it was a little bit longer but its ok^^
animation. voice and art were pretty cool (obviously)
so overall good work ^^
well ahoh
dammit the animations are really amazing. im pretty sure it tooked a while to make them.
the story. was there even a story? i guess that was just random joking around with a (on purpose) " stupid voice" with alot of funny faces. retarded but its funny
good parody of sailermoon
so overall...yeah... good work
super hilarious
mon dieu! that was tottaly funny xD
i loved those "rage faces" espacily as he sez "im gay" with justin biber face :3
keep it up dude :3
Lol thanks man :)
awesome & voice :)
i love that swain looks like "blockhead" xD
and rubberninja's followers FTW :3
short but genius ;).
how long did it took to make this?
like 1 hour of skeching frames andthen 4 or 5 hours for clear all
i believe it!
yeah that was short but really funny ;)
and awesome animated (obviously)
funny and enjoyable
haha that was really funny and good animated :)
the only thing wich was kinda annoying thats she too short :S
the hell?
thats just silly and complicated. espacily for animation...are you expect to all this bullshit for every single frame?? maybe thats helpfull for an artwork. but not animation. thers just a very easy way draw lines. fill them with coloring. take brush tool make it so that it draws under lines. then take a darker colore of the color you brush tooles on it. and colore it. everything in 1 layer. and it will take only like 5 or10 minutes time. not all this complicated things...
thats what I think
i'm just some dumbass who likes to draw and animate
Artist and Animator
Joined on 8/4/09