you art makes me speachless!
you art makes me speachless!
watashi speachless
amazingly done in either cuteness & art coloring :3
and the art of course ^^
keep up the nice work
I will thank you so much!!
awesome :)
she is pretty and cute ^^
and the coloring art is cool too :)
nice work
the rips wich raptor jesus is eating looks tatsy ^^
from wich animal are they?
probably the body of the unicorn
coloring is amazing but...
coloring is really awesome but the dragon desing 'style" is not really that awesome... espacily because of that "TRAP" thumbnail wich shows he is red while he is actuarly grey Black... also the horns are kinda not fitting in that style
i think there will be better if there were more going up.
but thats just about desing... as i said coloring is totaly cool :)
oh my god xD
haha i just love kenny
(espacily how he allways annoying the Sh*t out of spenny in kenny vs spenny) xD
he looks so real in this picture ^^
nice work , really nice work ^^
Boco, you just got so much more cooler. <3
nice pose :)
he really does looks bada** ^^
awesome coloring :)
bloody hell
this looks amazing!!
im a little bit scared D:
thank you my child
reallyf===ing awesome :D
this is good man really good ;D.
i noticed all those characters are from the NG games not cartoones
"well larry got both'' :)
haha yeah it's true!
although i do love the movies and stuff i wanted to go with a game themed entry.
yeah awesome
its looks totaly coooooool :D
i'm just some dumbass who likes to draw and animate
Artist and Animator
Joined on 8/4/09